If you want to connect from your Windows 10 PC and are using the SOPHOS 2FA Authentication and VPN access, then these are the instructions you need to follow.
Firstly you need to log into the client portal to download the VPN Setup file.
Browse to the URL for the User Portal (A) which has been supplied to you. If you haven’t already setup your Two Factor Authentication, please follow the steps in How to Setup 2FA.
Once you have logged in, browse to the Remote Access page.
Click on the Download button next to “Click here to download a complete installation including client software, keys and automatic configuration for Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10”.
Once the file has downloaded, double click on it to launch it.
Click on Next to continue
Click on I Agree to continue
Click on Install to continue
You may get prompted to install some device software. Click on Install to continue and make sure Always trust software from “Sophos” is selected.
Click on Next to continue
Click on Finish to finalise the installation.
The installation should install a new icon (similar to traffic lights) down in the system tray on your PC similar to the one below.
If you right click on the traffic lights, you should see an option to Connect. Click on this. This is what you will need to do in order to connect to the VPN.
Once you have clicked Connect, you will be prompted for your username and password to log in.
Enter your username which will usually be your email address, and then your password. Please remember your password will be your password plus your Two Factor Authentication code. Once you have done that, click on OK.
In a few seconds, the connection should successfully connect.
Setting up the Sophos VPN client on your Windows 10 PC
If you want to connect from your Windows 10 PC and are using the SOPHOS 2FA Authentication and VPN access, then these are the instructions you need to follow.
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